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Technical FAQs

Does MySGI work in all browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox)?

MySGI will work best with modern browsers that more fully support HTML 5.0. is mobile-browser compatible, but some screens may not be fully optimized on a mobile device (phone, tablet). We cannot guarantee full functionality.

Older browsers may display items incorrectly or experience other technical problems.

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Are certain browser settings required for the application to work?

JavaScript and cookies need to be enabled and the pop-up blocker needs to be disabled. If you are not sure how to do this please read your browser's help document which can tell you how to change these settings.

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Why do I have to scroll across to see the whole screen?

The MySGI application is meant for a minimum display resolution of 1024 x 769. If you have a smaller monitor or your display settings are set to a much larger font, your screens may not display properly or you may be required to scroll from side to side to see all the information.

Some mobile devices (smart phones or tablets) may require scrolling from side to side due to the size of the screen. This is especially true when in "portrait" view or if zoomed in to the page content.

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What are cookies and why are they required?

Cookies are small text files used by web pages you're browsing. Cookies for MySGI do not store any of your personal information. Cookies must be enabled to access the MySGI application. If they are disabled you will not be able to sign in. If your browser’s security messages are enabled you may be warned about cookies. You can turn these messages off by disabling them in your browser’s settings.

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Is the MySGI site secure?

Yes, the MySGI site uses encryption and certificates to protect your personal information.

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